Sunday, October 13, 2019

The Bridge Day 7- My Jericho

My Jericho
Before I came on this trip to Haiti, I was never an open person. In fact, I considered myself to be extremely introverted. Just like Jericho, my walls were tall, thick, and heavily guarded. Throughout my life, I’ve had trouble feeling accepted and trusting towards the people around me. I’ve always yearned for the feeling of complete friendship with people, but have never known how to go about it. However, this country has changed my perspective on how I can feel like enough, and how I can have an open and honest conversation without feeling judgment. 
I met a little boy at the home for the sick and dying children earlier this week that wanted nothing more than to be held and loved, regardless of his circumstance. He wrecked my heart in the best way possible. I realized that day that if he can open himself up to complete strangers, completely ready to accept love, I should give myself the chance to do the same. 
This team came in very open, so they didn’t make it very hard to connect with them. Throughout this week, my team has encouraged me, loved me, and helped me process my emotions (even the ones I don’t like). 
The people of Haiti, and the mission team I came here with were exactly like the song of Joshua: their instantaneous acceptance for not only me, but also one another, slowly chipped and cracked every wall of doubt I had. Because of this trip, I am so much stronger in my faith than before. I am ready to go home and continue to let the love that was shown to me this week shine into my life, because all of my walls have tumbled down. 


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