Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Elder Care Team (part 2)

Well, we are calling this tiny team the Elder Care Team part 2.  The original plan was a parent/child trip for this week, which also included the team leader and a team member from our elder care trip at the end of April.  The kids were rescheduled due to the possibility of unrest and difficult travel due to road blocks, etc. 

So, we began to make this trip elder-focused and planned for many follow-ups from our April/May trip.  
After hearing last night that we would likely not be able to travel to Titanyen due to road blocks, it was reported that the roads were passable, and we (quickly) gathered our needed supplies and headed to the tap tap.  We rode alongside Grace and Hope Clinic staff members who were reporting for their work day.  
In our preparations since the April/May elder trip, we had asked our team (which shrank from EIGHT to TWO) to post an Amazon Wish List and Target Registry, which garnered many donations from our generous supporters.  Those supplies (which were elder-care focused) were packed up onto the tap tap with us.  We experienced no delays in our transport to Grace Village, and were immediately able to re-stock some much needed supplies into the Elder Care storage area, including items for basic needs (soap, towels, bed sheets, shampoo, tooth brushes and tooth paste, etc.).   Some of these items have been difficulty to obtain in-country due to economic crisis as well as difficulty with safe passage to /from markets & stores.

During our day, we were able to check-in on some of the elders, including Pierre and Lauremise.  These two, happy as always, reported that yes, they have been using their canes that they received in May. The canes have been helpful in negotiating their steep entry-way and the difficult terrain in Titanyen.  

We also had a brief visit with Aloude, who is sponsored by Alleluia Lutheran Church in St. Michael, MN (Marni's church).  She enjoyed the visit, and shared with us some of the difficulties she had experienced recently including the loss of family members.  We also met her son, who was seriously injured several years ago in an accident and were able to share a time of prayer with them.  Aloude helps to support other elders in the program by doing laundry and cleaning tasks for those who are unable, and therefore works very hard.    We followed-up with her on her Plantar Fascitis issues that were assessed in May, including discussing proper footwear (since she walks ALL OVER Titanyen) and other things she could do to work on stretching out her sore leg and foot.  Her home appears to be very solid and in good condition.

We checked in with Camisane, who has recently moved into a new home.  We found her working in her booth in the market, selling charcoal.  She was very excited for us to see her new place, and of course made sure that we all had chairs and a place to sit during our brief visit.  Her move was prompted by need for a larger space for her and her 7 grandchildren that live with her!!

Also during our day, we had informational meetings with both Jean (at the guest house) and Emmanuel and Brunet (while in Titanyen) regarding "big picture" elder care topics.  

Emmanuel and Brunet were originally both translators/drivers for both Marni's and Joy's first trips, and we both expressed how great it has been to see these men develop into important leadership roles.  

We'll be back tomorrow with more updates on our elders!  
Thanks for reading, 
Joy (and Marni).

Pierre and Lauremise's entry way steps. They were fixed after our 2018 Elder Care Trip. Previously this was a very steep hill that could get very muddy.

Aloude and family

Camisane's new home, including a sun shade she received at an Elder Christmas Party.

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