Monday, May 13, 2019

Bonswa from Team 2!

It is currently 18:07 local time and our team is winding down from a very long day of travel. Nine out of thirteen of our troop departed from the Twin Cities at approximately 05:20 local time this morning, and the remainder departed at approximately 06:20 local time for Atlanta Georgia. The team rendezvoused and was made whole before our departure towards Port-Au-Prince, Haiti around 10:20. Our flight was a slightly turbulent one, but we are all quite thankful to have arrived safe and on-schedule to our final destination! We were warmly greeted by the locals following our landing at around 14:20 and we were escorted to our lovely home for the week once we managed to inch our way through local Customs. We were greeted by our very friendly Haitian caretakers and finally able to unpack and unwind at about 17:00. Our team then underwent a very informative debriefing from our long-term missionary, Ashley, and our team leaders on our itinerary as well as a general idea of what to expect while we're here. The team then enjoyed a much anticipated meal of tacos prepared by our Haitian caretakers. Following our meal, we enjoyed a nice reflection regarding our day, our feelings, our expectations and our hopes for our trip. Once we finished sharing our hearts with the Lord and one another, we participated in a very profound worship time to the melody of a guitar. The guitar was graciously provided by our temporary home, played by our very talented teammate, John Russell. At the moment, our team is taking this time to engage in a little bit of bonding and private reflection. We are so very grateful to the Lord for this opportunity to be serving the people of Haiti as well as for keeping us safe and enthusiastic. To all of those reading this at home, please continue to pray for us and our endeavors!

Bondye beni ou!


  1. Rest well tonight and may the Lord reveal himself to you tomorrow. Blessing and thank you for your service!

  2. Oh we are praying! Praying for health and endurance and encouragement. We know you both will be a blessing and God will also richly bless you also! Love from Wisconsin.
