Friday, April 23, 2021

Day 4: Give Yourself Away

Our day began early with a 6:00 AM service at the Church of the Rock, a local Haitian church. The spirit of God was ebullient, the music was inspiring, the message was powerful, and it was delivered in both Creole and English. The theme that resonated with me as we served this week was “give yourself away.” An important commitment as we live our lives, and an embodiment our team has been living in Haiti.

After another delicious breakfast cooked by the bél (beautiful in Haitian Creole) women at the guest house, we headed to Titanyen to tour Grace Village, a school, clinic and orphanage operated by Healing Haiti. What an amazing place with the spirit of God serving families in the area. It was a special opportunity for our team because two of our goers, Dennis and Lori were able to meet the child they sponsor. It was special to see them interact, learn about each other and create a forever bond.

Our next blessing from God was the opportunity to serve four of the elders in the area. We were fortunate to be able to visit their homes and give ourselves to them as we took meals and drinks, washed their feet and hands and helped to soften their skin with soothing lotion. Marina painted toenails of those that wanted that special touch. Dennis and Katie played guitar and we sang songs with them before praying for their requested needs. It was heartwarming and we all talked about how blessed we are to have the opportunity to serve these beautiful, resilient elders.

Next, we headed to the Fleri Bakery and Restaurant. Fleri is part of Healing Haiti and focuses on creating job opportunities and sustainability for Haitians. They make delicious artisan bread, sweet treats and pizza. The bakery currently employs 25 people, sources much of the raw goods locally and then sells to many local businesses. It’s a powerful model for sustainability and they continue to refine the model as they listen to input from the local community they serve. 

Touring the bakery was incredible…the sights, the processes and the smells… so of course we had to eat in the restaurant! The restaurant has become an important gathering place in the community that caters to families, weddings, holiday gatherings and more. We enjoyed pizza, pasta, plantains, French fries and delicious beverages. The food is out of sight.

We ended the day driving up the hill to a beautiful overlook where we could see an expanse of the island and the sea. It was the perfect way to end another day serving in Haiti where we were once again blessed by God to give ourselves away.


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