Ever since Monday morning at 1:30 am, I have been constantly comparing this trip to my trip last year. "Oh this flights so early" "Oh I wish we were going here" "I remember this same tour from last year". But today I realized how to let go. Starting off the day I was more than excited to visit the Haitian Olympic training center as it was something new. Jumping on the soccer fields, running on the track, and standing within an Olympic boxing ring was fun, but I found that I enjoyed being with the people of Haiti and experiencing their lives much more. Following the Olympic training center we went to yet another new place for me, Rosie's Boutique. A fun stop for the middle of our day full of shopping and sweet treats. Then, surprisingly my favorite part of the day, we visited the elders. Visiting elders the past two years has not always been a high point of my Haiti missions trips as I always seem to feel as if we are invading their space. But today, meeting Pierre and seeing the overwhelming joy spread across his face as we walked into his home was astounding. Dancing, singing, and praying with this beautiful man has made me laugh and smile harder than I have all week. I realized that these people not only love our company, but deserve every lasting moment of our attention. After visiting three of the many elders, we visited Fleri Resteraunt where we enjoyed the BEST pizza ever. Getting together with not only my team, but the Hatian staff allowed for a good way to reconnect and relax. Before ending this post, I would just like to express my love and appreciation for this beautiful country. Never have I been happier to serve and spread God's word than when I am here. I just hope that someday I'll get to spend more than a week here, but only time will tell. Orevwa :)
-Riley Holmes