Day 2 (Doug) - Healing Haiti. We traveled into the poorest area in one of the poorest countries in our hemisphere. I did not know what to expect, anxious for what I would see. It did not disappoint. The extreme poverty, horrible living condition, garbage can God's Glory be revealed here??? What did I find? Joy, laughter, smiles, hugs, fun, freedom. I was a child/young man again. Playing soccer with young men, lifting toddlers, hugging children. Laughing, crying, and experience great joy. I may be quite sore tomorrow morning, but for this day, God showed me His Glory through the beautiful people of Cite Soleil. I came with an open mind to serve, but the children of this place ministered to me. Taught me to let go and have fun. Celebrate the day. It was a good one.

Afternoon Day 2 (Abby): After a wonderful morning in Cite Soleil and being able to experience the slums in a way filled with joy, our team split up to go to either LaPhare Orphanage or to the Home of Sick and Dying babies. I was part of the team that went to Laphare Orphanage and I cannot say enough of how incredible it was. I had visited LaPhare three years ago and connected deeply with a boy named Phadel. His energy, spirit, and hope has stayed with me throughout the years and upon hearing we were returning, I began to wonder if I would see him again. Walking through the gates into the orphanage, I kept my eyes open and my heart ready for what I was going to see. Immediately, I spotted him. This child, who has no idea of the impact he's made in my life, was standing in front of me all grown up. We did Polaroid pictures, Valentine crafts, and played with jump ropes and soccer balls. God's hand was completely on this day. I saw him in the eyes of the children, heard him in worship, and felt him even through the layers of sweat (this definitely is not the polar vortex). I am reminding myself to serve palms up and feel prepared for whatever lies ahead.