Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Vanguard Healing Haiti Day One

"Hayyew - HAYYEW!" And so began our journey in Haiti with greetings, high fives, hugs, and deep bellied laughs. Over and over today, people of all ages spilled out of their homes and shops to greet us, bellowing "hey you!" with such familiarity it seemed more like a homecoming than a trip to a foreign country. The warmth of the locals was equal to the heat of the noon high sun. The fuchsia and yellow and tangerine walls of the humble buildings were consistent with the vibrant colors of the flowers and other flora peaking over crumbling walls and climbing abandoned fences. 

We started with a tour of Hope Clinic. This medical and dental clinic is run by locals who care for an otherwise ostracized population deep in the heart of the poorest slum in the Western Hemisphere. And yet, there was so much dignity in the organization and operation that it was evident how this clinic heals so much more than physical ailments. Afterward, lunch with The Elders of the community had much the same feeling; an older population considered vulnerable by their peers, and yet the maps of wrinkles on their faces told stories of unappreciated strength. And watching the neighborhood children flock to the known and loved group leaders revealed such admiration and trust it was palpable. This afternoon we concluded with time at the Home for Sick and Dying Children, a playtime so contrasted by antagonizing sorrow and pregnant with hope there are no words. Today was so, so much more than the sum of its parts. We head to bed with overwhelming feelings of gratitude and appreciation for this day, these leaders, and the work Healing Haiti is doing.

- Megan

1 comment:

  1. Love, Love, Love!!! This is such a Beautiful blog post. Overjoyed by the words of your day!!
