Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Gainor/DeMay Day 1

Bonswa from Haiti!

Today was our team's first full day in Haiti. On the agenda was traveling to Titanyen to visit our elders, stop at Rosie's Boutique for ice cream and souvenirs, and a drive up to Grace Village for a tour of the campus.

The experiences here in Haiti are almost indescribable to those who cannot be present. Simple things fill you with love and appreciation. Our team was split into two groups, each visiting four Haitian elders at their homes. We washed their feet, massaged their hands and shoulders, sang to them (along with ukulele accompaniment), brought them food and drink, and prayed for them. Many asked for prayers to be healed from sickness and for the wellness of their family. God is so alive in these people. After talking to the elders (through translators), both groups met up at Rosie's, a shop full of Haitian-made crafts, cards, clothing, you name it! Much of the team cooled off with a bowl of ice cream or lemonade from Rosie's before heading off to the next location. Next we visited Grace Village, which includes a school, lunchroom, and clinic. The students, all dressed in uniforms, are taught primarily in French. Some even live in family-style homes on the campus. Interestingly, there are no public schools in Haiti. As we wrapped up the tour it began to rain, and once we got on the road it began to pour...perfect timing! Once back at the guesthouse we enjoyed a nice dinner cooked by Healing Haiti staff and welcomed five more members to our serving team. At the end of the day, the team comes together to discuss the events of the day and the plans for the next. Each person picks a word to describe their day, and why. After 8 pm everyone is welcome to do as they please, which is a perfect opportunity to get to know each other better. Everyone here has God in their heart and it's warming to be in a group of people who carry such love and faith. What a wonderful start to this journey. We are excited to see what God has in store.

Glwa Pou Bondye!
(Glory to God!)

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