Friday, May 24, 2019

Day Five - Beauty with Brokenness

Day 5 has been a long day. It began around 5:30am when my alarm reminded me of how tired I was and how much I needed coffee. Coffee would soon be made, thanks to Ms. Allison. It would also be quickly consumed as we left for Church on the Rock just before 6am for a morning worship service.

As we left the guesthouse, the streets, just like me, were slowly awakening. As usual, it was a beautiful morning, breezy, cool, refreshing. There were a few scattered clouds strolling leisurely through the sky. There were a few people moving about, some light traffic, but mostly calm. We made our way to the church service and were greeted with smiling worshipers, good music, and a wonderful time preparing ourselves for the day. We would need it. It’s been a long day.

Day 5 has been a hard day. We delivered water for the second time this week to Cite Soleil. It’s hot; water is heavy; children need to be loved and held. All of that leads to physical and emotional exhaustion. Pair that with our afternoon trip to the Home for Sick & Dying Children, and you get to have your body and soul torn at the seams. Haiti has a way of doing that to you. There is a such a mingling of beauty with brokenness, of strength with weakness, of happiness with sorrow. From moment to moment, it seems that we rejoice with those who rejoice and weep with those who weep (Romans 12:15).

Day 5 has been a good day. Our team sang the children’s song This is the Day as we sat down to eat breakfast this morning. This line is significant, “This is the day that the Lord has made; I will rejoice and be glad in it.” No matter how long or how difficult the day may be, it is the Lord’s day, and the Lord is good. I will choose to rejoice in Him even when there are things I cannot understand. Today has been long and hard, but it has also been good. I am grateful that His grace is sufficient for every kind of day.

God bless, 


  1. You all are doing so good. I always say there are people in this world that walks the path of God. I think if you have the opportunity and gift to follow God you are a Blessed person. I’ll continue to Pray for your safe return. ❤️ A Proud Aunt!!❤️🙏🙏
