Friday, January 25, 2019

The magic of Obedience...

     Yesterday we spent the whole day in Cite Soleil serving on our final water truck day, and experienced shorter water lines, which left us more time to spend loving on the children.  
The personal moments that we shared with them left us wanting a third day of service on the water truck.  But despite our desire to fulfill our own needs, God taught us a lesson of obedience today.  Through His will we worshiped at the 6am service at The Church on the Rock which was unlike anything most of us have ever witnessed.  An absolute unapologetic love for Jesus was incredibly evident and such a good example for our group to strive for in our everyday lives. Today's lesson was about focusing on having pure gratitude for the lives which God has predesigned for each of us.  It was beautiful to hear the message and worship music in Creole.  Thankfully our gifted Samantha was able to fill us in on the meaning.  They were so kind to sing a couple of the songs in English for us as well which were modern tunes that we hear on Christian radio back home.  As for me, I cannot wait until I get that opportunity again to witness the palpable Hatian faith in Christ.
     A tour of Grace Village was next on our agenda which gave us undeniable proof that God is working overtime in the hearts of the leaders of Healing Haiti.  The love-driven community that has risen from dirt and rocks on a sun baked hillside is nothing short of a miracle.  Kids who would otherwise be orphans, are brought into family style homes where they have chores to do, parent figures to respect, and school to attend.  Wow, what a life changing opportunity for these precious children.  
     Our final lesson in obedience today was that of elder care in Titanyen.  Healing Haiti maintains a list of community elders who through age or disability may not receive the love and nourishment that they deserve.  We visited three incredible women.  To each we delivered a full meal, washed and massaged their feet with our bare hands, lotioned and massaged their arms and hands, then painted their nails to the color of their choice - all while softly singing worship music with them.  We asked about their lives and how we could pray for them, then did just that.  The impact on our team was absolutely immeasurable.  Can you imagine delivering meals on wheels back home and then getting out a sudsy tub, some lotion, and nail polish then singing and praying with them?  My admiration of the Healing Haiti organization and their open-hearted methods just exploded! 
    We concluded our day at the successful and forward thinking Fleri Market where we devoured the most amazing pizzas in all of Haiti.  Yet another success story of Healing Haiti where their goal is to create meaningful employment while producing a needed product and then empower community entrepreneurs to establish a future for themselves and their families.  The impact that this business model is having on the local economy and the lives of countless people is mind boggling.
     The ability of an organization to initiate and execute this magnificent plan while maintaining love, kindness, and perseverance is nearly equivalent to the example Jesus Christ set for each and every one of us.  
1 Samuel 15:22 NLT    But Samuel replied, "What is more pleasing to the Lord: your burnt offerings and sacrifices or your obedience to His voice? Listen! Obedience is better than sacrifice, and submission is better than offering the fat of rams.

                                                                         ....eternally grateful for this day, randy

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