Meyers/Cornerstone Day 7

Good evening all!
Today was a beautiful day in Haiti.
We started off our day early today with breakfast. We read a couple of Psalms to focus our mind
on our amazing God. We then loaded up in
the tap tap and headed to Grace Church. As
a team, we enjoyed a beautiful time of worship.
While most of the service was in Creole, it was such a blessing that
they had the song lyrics projected on a screen.
It was great to be able to see the words and join in when we desired. I, personally, always enjoy worship in Haiti
and am moved by the Spirit. After
church, we headed to Wahoo Bay, a resort about an hour away. We enjoyed time swimming, fellowshipping with
one another, soaking up some extra sun for reserve when we return to the cold,
and just resting in His presence. The
view at Wahoo is incredible. The
mountains meet the ocean. The white sand. The sail boats in the distance. The shoreline. God is the ultimate artist who paints the
picture of creation in a way we can hardly put into words! When we returned home, we enjoyed some free
time to begin packing our bags and play with the neighborhood children. It has been fun getting to know them this
week as we have played frisbee and soccer.
We returned to the guest house and ate some dinner followed by our
nightly team devotions. We spent time as
a team sharing and starting the process of processing our week. Hearts and lives have been changed. We came to Haiti and will return to the US
forever changed. The trip has impacted
us in different ways. It is up to us to
be obedient to what the Lord is asking of each one. After devotions, we played a team game and
laughed a lot! What a great way to end
the night. Pray for the team as we say
goodbye to each other, Haiti, and the Haitians and return home to the busy
Christmas season. We will all process
differently. It has been an incredible
week! God is definitely on the
move! Glory to God! -Stephanie
I've enjoyed following along this week. Praying for a safe trip home for all. Can't wait to see you Linda.