Hi! This is from Jeff’s perspective of the day. We started the day loading up twice to go to
the elder school. We started the first
load on American time and then realized we were on Haiti time and unloaded
before we became cooked potatoes. Then
once Haiti time caught up with the rest of us, we loaded up and traveled to the
elder school. Absolutely amazing. Have you ever been in the presence of a super
giant? Like a Billy Graham or Abe
Lincoln. We were in the presence of such
a man today, who is the principle of the school for elders, which to me was
more like 10-25 year old’s. All the
students in the crammed hallways, and I mean crammed, gave us each a smile and
a kind greeting. Most classrooms were
the size of my bedroom with 15-20 students.
I could not stretch my arms out because the hallways were too narrow and
the steps leading to the top level were a little rickety. But to see this man’s love for the students,
of us, of education was truly beautiful.
I am sure that this man has poured his heart into every student in attendance.
Last stop of the day was at an orphanage to tell the Christmas
story, do a craft and love on some precious kids. What do you get with 40 pine cones, 2 bottles
of glue, about 900 pom pom balls and 35 energetic children who had just had a
bath? A great craft, lots of sticky
fingers, arms, shoes, floor, hair…..you get the picture. It was a blast and the pine cone Christmas
trees turned out pretty good. Good-bye! -Jeff
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