Meyers/Cornerstone Day 2
Our first stop today was to visit Hope School and church, which is located in Cite Soleil (the slum). One of our teammates from Delaware brought a suitcase full of books written in French for the children of Hope School. While the books were being presented to the teachers, the remainder of the team was able to go into the classrooms to be “substitute” teachers. Lo and behold, we had no idea what we were getting into. It was a great experience though. After we came out of Hope, the water truck was waiting for us. We immediately started helping. I was so impressed that the number of children was much less due to them being in Hope School. For a break in between water deliveries, we went to the pier and observed people cleaning fish. Our third and last water delivery, in my opinion, was in the poorest part of Cite Soleil. A lot of children were not in school and many people seemed needier. We prayed silently for the children as they jumped into our arms. After finishing the water deliveries, we went to Fleri Farms. Healing Haiti started the farm 2 years ago. The farm consists of 22 acres. Healing Haiti is trying to decide the wisest way to utilize the farm. The farm has bananas, sugar cane, papaya, mangos, coconuts, avocados, limes, and much more. Haiti has a 90% unemployment rate and Healing Haiti is helping to create jobs for the Haitians. The first time I went (a year ago), I felt overwhelmed. However, this time I felt more energized. God is truly healing this country and my own heart. -Helen
“The LORD your God is with you, He is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing.” Zephaniah 3:17
Today for me was resting in God’s presence and letting Him quiet me when my thoughts needed to be realigned with His. This is my 4th trip to Haiti and each year has been so different. Some of the change is due to how God is using ministries like Hope school and Fleri Farms to provide hope and opportunities for the people, and some of the change is in me. I am a “doer” and today God really stretched me to be quiet and rest in His presence. I still had the blessing of being involved in the areas Helen mentioned but I also had some time today where I had to sit in the tap-tap and have a snack due to my blood sugar levels. My diabetes was one reason I was hesitant to come that first year. God desires to meet our excuses and He continues to show that He is greater! As I watched the team and prayed, God helped me stop feeling useless and answered my prayer to be used. I was able to help a woman by scooping water from the huge container she had into smaller jugs so she could go get more buckets of water. I didn’t need to feel guilty that my teammates were hauling buckets, running the hose and energetically loving on the kids…..I was contentedly serving the way God had provided for me. It is so obvious to me that God put this team together! We have bonded so quickly and there is a spiritual depth which encourages me greatly. There is true joy and servanthood and I am excited to see what the Lord has for us in the coming days! -Diane
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