Disclaimer: This was written by two very exhausted girls who can barely keep their eyes open.
Hello friends and family!
Today we all woke up (or stayed up) dark and early (haha) to get to the airport by 3am to catch our 5:30am flight. After many trials and errors we figured out how to check in as a group and eventually made it through a very empty security line and to our gate with time to get LOTS of Caribou coffee and water. We boarded late but took off in a timely manner, landing in Atlanta for our layover. After getting fueled up on Subway and more coffee, we awaited for our next flight to Port-au-Prince. When the time came to board, the flight attendants asked for volunteers to take the next plane because of an overbooked flight. After no volunteers, an hour delay, and everyone boarding the plane, the flight attendants decided to "shift" around some luggage. With several anxious and nervous girls, we took off and landed safely in Haiti!!! When we landed in Port-au-Prince, we successfully found ALL of our suitcases and went through customs. Then it was time for us to step outside and experience the Haiti heat! We made our way through the crowd and got to the "tap tap" (our ride for the next week) where we had all of our luggage put either on the top of the tap tap or on top of our laps. After getting situated, we drove for about 20 minutes through the crazy streets (with no stop lights or stop signs) and arrived at the Healing Haiti compound! We were greeted by seven guard dogs and some of the staff that work as long term missionaries. The guard dogs consisting of two puppies Rosie Rascal and Mocha Frappe. Our evening at the compound was filled with failed attempts at Spike ball and Julia destroying everyone at bags. As we wound down and we ate delicious Shepherd's pie and accidentally spilled 7 Up everywhere (thanks Julia). All in all, God was on our side today as we maneuvered our way through numerous airports and arrived here safe and sound with all our belongings. Although it is only 8pm we have all slowly made our way to our rooms and mellowed down.
Good Night and God bless,
Megan and Sheridan
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