When one is pushed to their limits by God in order to grow, often times the Spirit also encourages election on experiences and key moments in time in order to maximize the effect they have on the soul. Here in Haiti, a world apart from the luxuries of our homes and communities, there is ample opportunity for both growth and reflection and even revision of specific notions we previously had reached. In 1 Corinthians 13:13, scripture reads, “And now these three remain: faith, hope and love, but the greatest of these is love", which really highlights the importance of loving all of God’s people. All of our ministry experiences here in Port-Au-Prince have given us the opportunity to grow in our ability to love and after reflect on the role of love in the development of individuals, both here in Haiti and back at home. In the United States, many children and adults take the love we receive from God and others for granted. It is something we have always had and always will have, but here in Haiti, it is not the same. During our water truck stops in days past, children would cry out for the smallest amount of love and compassion, and upon receiving it, they gave off an aura of joy and contentment. To us, what we were giving was nothing, but to the Haitians, it was everything. Love is powerful beyond the ability of words to describe and in the love and encouragement present in the lives of Haitians, lies the hope that this country is looking for as the dreams for the future become a reality.
Today’s ministries gave us time to continue spreading God’s love to the people of Haiti through the time spent at Carrefour Home for Sick and Dying Adults. Here, our mission to spread love and hope took on a different form as we rubbed lotion on blistered limbs. Today’s hope and love was focused less on the future and more on living in the moment, not entirely knowing the differing conditions of the patients we ministered to. It was very touching to feel and see God’s love and presence surrounding people who have so little in this world, yet they still praised the Lord for his graciousness and their hearts were full of love and gratitude.
Similar to how God rested after completing his masterpiece of earth and life, this afternoon we took some time to connect and minister to each other as a team, through journey to the top of the mountains surrounding Port-Au-Prince. Looking down upon the city from far above, it gave us further time and opportunity to reflect on the work we have done, how we have impacted the Haitians we are ministering to, and how it has affected our walk in the Spirit to bring love to even the most forgotten of God’s People.
- Noah
Continuing to lift you up in prayer.