Thursday, November 3, 2016

Scott/Wayne EBC Team: A Day at Grace Village

What another amazing day! It is so great to watch this team grow in their faith and understanding that something as small as a touch, can have such a tremendous impact on someone. Today, we travelled to Titanyen which translates to ‘less than nothing’ to see Grace Village where we visited the site where Alyn Shannon’s (founder of Healing Haiti) vision became real. 
Grace Village is a beautiful compound on the side of a hill that overlooks the ocean.  We were able to take a tour of the facilities, on the way to see the aquaponics area.  They are growing fish, not only to eat, but also to use the waste to mix with compost that will eventually make black dirt.  This dirt will be used to further educate the students on agriculture practices and make them more self-sustainable by growing their own produce. Next we walked into the library and saw where the classrooms are set-up.  Both the kids that live in Grace Village and kids from the area attend classes here. We next saw the homes that the kids live in. Healing Haiti Mission: The world is a better place when families are strengthened. This is witnessed as the houses are set-up differently than other orphanages.  The houses are smaller and are structured like families, one or two adults are living with the kids.  The kids have chores and tasks to accomplish to teach responsibility and other family relationship concepts/communication. Next we saw the hospital clinic that treats local people. Today there was another mission group that was performing surgeries. Lastly we played with and loved on the kids that are staying here, coloring, playing with bubbles and trying to keep up with a friendly soccer game.  It’s obvious to see the work that is getting done here is truly incredible and so good!

Upon leaving Grace Village, we made our way down the hill to the Flueri Bakery and restaurant. The members who had been here before have noted the how large of a task this has been. What started as a vision and a prayer is now growing and equipped with ovens and utensils, and they are making some baked items.  The goal of this building is to continue to hire and employee Haitian community members, they hope to employee 70 people when it is fully operational. Of course we tried a few cookies, croissants and cinnamon rolls…all delicious!


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