Monday, October 31, 2016

Scott/Wayne EBC Team: "Who Does God Say that You Are?"

I can't believe it is almost midnight! Today started at 5:00 am with a cup of coffee at my home in St. Paul, and here we are after a long, but easy and uneventful travel day to Port au Prince. I am very excited for this team! We only have one returning "goer" but the openness and togetherness this team is already displaying is setting us up for a tremendous week of serving as God's hands and feet. Tonight, we did our "word of the day," which allows everyone to reflect on the day. Although, we spent most of the day in an airport, it was great to hear words like calm, easy, open, gel, and stress-free. However, it was also great to hear words like perception and surprise. My word was "anticipation"...the anticipation of the great things this team is about to do! The anticipation of watching someone grow in their faith. The anticipation of watching someone's confidence explode as they learn to realize their potential to become all that they already are. There's a very good chance that God sees us much differently than we see ourselves. But, as we begin to reflect on what the week holds in-store for us, it is important to realize that we are all about to make a difference. We are all difference makers.


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