Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Buckets of Love

Today, we stopped in three different areas in the poorest slum of Haiti to help the people get clean water. I didn't know what to expect, but it certainly wasn't this. As soon as we began to step off the tap tap, the kids grabbed us, reached for us and loved us in any way they could. They smiled so beautifully and they each had so much admiration in their eyes. "This person will help me. This person will listen. Please, love me." ... that's what I could see in their eyes. I've never felt so much light in one place, and what a place to find it! They were fascinated by my curly, long hair. I witnessed children who are stronger than I will ever be. Children with swollen stomachs and bared ribs, carrying buckets of water on their heads. They had no shoes, and I could barely stand a minute in that heat without mine. They sang, danced and played games with us, but nothing could top the thankfulness in an elderly woman's face when someone would carry her water for her. The kids showed me various bracelets or rocks that they had, beaming with pride. My heart broke as we had to let the kids go and head to the next stop. They would watch us with tears in their eyes. "Orevwa." Goodbye.

- Anika (15 years old)

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