Saturday, June 11, 2016

Day 2-3

Sean, Age 12- Today I went to the home for sick and dying. The babies there were very sick and needed a lot of special care. The babies mostly wanted to just be picked up and showed love. Some of the babies wanted to just walk around and have fun. One baby that I played with was the first baby that I saw out of the corner of my eye. She was a girl and was wearing a purple dress. I went over and picked her up and brought her outside onto the swing set and put her in the baby swing set and swung her around she had so much fun and laughed so hard. So after a solid 30-40 minuets of holding her I went to put her back but she just kept on crying every time I tried to put her back in her crib. So finally I rocked her to sleep and put her back. That child touched me so much because it kind of represented how God comes back to us every time we reject him. So overall today was a very great spiritual day.

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