Dear Friends!
Sarah writing today - thank you for following
our blog all week. I am profoundly
grateful for the team God provided for me and Craig this week as leaders. We asked for them to be all in, to stretch
and to give everything they had in Haiti… and they did! As a multiple time goer to Haiti, each time I
go to Haiti I experience it afresh, and God always has something new to teach
me. This week he gently reminded me that
no matter how much I plan, coordinate, or anticipate what might go wrong, I
will never be fully in charge. (ha. And I never was in the first place…) And if
you ever need reminding of this fact, Haiti is the place to teach it to you.
This year, I was blessed by the best co-leader, my amazing
and patient husband, Craig. He was a “leader
in training” but really, he taught me so much and is probably more qualified
than me to lead a trip internationally because he has been traveling the world
for 23 years for his “real job.” His
dedication to the team, and his complementary style of leadership to mine, were
a huge asset to everyone, but especially me.
And even if I resisted his gentle care taking of me (yep, again, God
trying to teach me I’m not in charge) I am slowly learning that I can’t do it
all. (but don’t tell him that! : )
Haiti has become part of what I do, traveling there to
mission trips at least once a year, but this trip I continue to be reminded that
Haiti is becoming a bigger and bigger part of who I am. And God keeps making more and more room in my
heart for his people there, and equipping me even when I think I am unable or
unwilling to do what he’s calling me to do at that moment.
You heard straight from the heart of my team this week how
God worked in their lives. And we always try to stay focused on what God is
doing in us just as much as what God is doing in the Haitian lives we
At lunch in Atlanta today, we did a highlight reel, each
person telling me what topped their list of memorable moments during our 7 days
of serving these beautiful, humble, God-fearing, perseverant, hopeful
people. They blessed us. And they changed us. I hope they keep Haiti
in their heart, and continue to let it affect their everyday lives.
My prayer is that you will be touched by their moments,
enough to consider for yourself how you might reach into the life of another to
bless them – wherever in the world you might be – and in return reap the reward
of that moment changing who you are as well.
Haiti Team Beckman Mission
2016 Highlight Reel:
David: At our second water truck day, we turned onto the street of a stop we call Na Boule, and the moment our tap tap rounded the corner a cacophony of voices began chanting “Hey You, Hey You, Hey You, Hey You” in a joyful unison as they ran after the truck trying to climb on the back and ride along with us to the stop where we would deliver water. The well over 40 voices were some of the most beautiful we’ve ever heard in our lives. “Hey you” is a term of endearment for us “Americans” at the water stops in Cite Soleil, and was their way of welcoming us with not just open arms but also hearts filled with anticipation of the love we would share with these kids. (This moment was definitely the number one moment for many of us on the team)
Katie: Spending time at the Home for Sick and Dying Adults helping the women care for themselves when they couldn’t do it alone.
Jamie: Watching my daughter realize her true calling and comprehend God’s plan for her life.
Craig: After a failed attempt to go the wound clinic, we got a second bonus session with the babies at the Hospital. Caitlin, Tyler and I were the only helpers at that time. I ended up in a room with 25 hungry babies and one feeder – me. The first little one was not really excited to eat so it was a battle. The second little guy wanted to eat as much as I would give him and fast. And he watched me the whole time. I knew I was needed in that moment.
Tyler: Teaching and practicing English with the kids at Dare’s.
Mo: When a cute little baby clung to me at Home for Sick and Dying Babies.
Chris: At our very first water stop the first boy I held stayed with me the whole stop. When we went back for a second day, the same boy came running up to me again and grabbed onto me, and then he followed our truck to the second stop and found me again!
Dani: At Home for Sick and Dying Babies I held a “drama queen” of a little girl, and she reminded me of myself… which made me smile, since I could totally relate! I loved that little girl with a sassy attitude that would cry every time I tried to put her down.
Bri: When the kids saw me step in the dirty water and they took me over to their clean water and washed off me feet. Their concern for me was so precious.
Ryan: When the tiny kids with no clothes on were helping me lift up the water hose even though they could barely reach it!
Caitlin: For a while now I have felt the call to do God’s work. I knew I wanted to be in the mission field somehow. But for the first time in Haiti I felt like I belonged, and I knew in my heart that God is calling me to be a missionary!
Sarah: Watching my team do things they never knew they could do, and growing in their faith before my very eyes!
Madi: Really connecting with kids at the water truck stops and seeing Haiti from a different vantage point the second time around!
David: At our second water truck day, we turned onto the street of a stop we call Na Boule, and the moment our tap tap rounded the corner a cacophony of voices began chanting “Hey You, Hey You, Hey You, Hey You” in a joyful unison as they ran after the truck trying to climb on the back and ride along with us to the stop where we would deliver water. The well over 40 voices were some of the most beautiful we’ve ever heard in our lives. “Hey you” is a term of endearment for us “Americans” at the water stops in Cite Soleil, and was their way of welcoming us with not just open arms but also hearts filled with anticipation of the love we would share with these kids. (This moment was definitely the number one moment for many of us on the team)
Katie: Spending time at the Home for Sick and Dying Adults helping the women care for themselves when they couldn’t do it alone.
Jamie: Watching my daughter realize her true calling and comprehend God’s plan for her life.
Craig: After a failed attempt to go the wound clinic, we got a second bonus session with the babies at the Hospital. Caitlin, Tyler and I were the only helpers at that time. I ended up in a room with 25 hungry babies and one feeder – me. The first little one was not really excited to eat so it was a battle. The second little guy wanted to eat as much as I would give him and fast. And he watched me the whole time. I knew I was needed in that moment.
Tyler: Teaching and practicing English with the kids at Dare’s.
Mo: When a cute little baby clung to me at Home for Sick and Dying Babies.
Chris: At our very first water stop the first boy I held stayed with me the whole stop. When we went back for a second day, the same boy came running up to me again and grabbed onto me, and then he followed our truck to the second stop and found me again!
Dani: At Home for Sick and Dying Babies I held a “drama queen” of a little girl, and she reminded me of myself… which made me smile, since I could totally relate! I loved that little girl with a sassy attitude that would cry every time I tried to put her down.
Bri: When the kids saw me step in the dirty water and they took me over to their clean water and washed off me feet. Their concern for me was so precious.
Ryan: When the tiny kids with no clothes on were helping me lift up the water hose even though they could barely reach it!
Caitlin: For a while now I have felt the call to do God’s work. I knew I wanted to be in the mission field somehow. But for the first time in Haiti I felt like I belonged, and I knew in my heart that God is calling me to be a missionary!
Sarah: Watching my team do things they never knew they could do, and growing in their faith before my very eyes!
Madi: Really connecting with kids at the water truck stops and seeing Haiti from a different vantage point the second time around!
All the glory goes to God! Glwa Pou Bondye.
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